My Personal Constitution
Values, principles, ambitions. Plus troubleshooting guides to anxiety, fear, and other fun emotions.
A few months ago, I started a new journal that I call My Personal Constitution. It is roughly divided in two themes:
The first covers values, principles, ambitions, hard-won wisdoms, rules of thumb, dos and don’ts. I refer to these whenever I’m lost in life, have to make a big decision, or I just feel like I’ve lost my mojo. It’s a reminder for what’s important to me.
The second is a collection of troubleshooting guides to when I’m feeling intense emotions. I know my triggers for emotions such as anxiety, fear, insecurity, nostalgia, boredom, envy, etc. Over time, I’ve developed step-by-step guides that help me regulate those emotions, and come back to a calm, equanimous state.
These troubleshooting guides are what I use most often. They remind me that Past Awais has already gone through a very, very similar thing and here’s how he got out of it and you can too! It includes thoughtful questions, reassuring reminders, and basic tactics for how to get out of a funk.
As a quick example, here’s my short guide to dealing with a general feeling of anxiety, straight from the journal:
Determine if I’ve had any of these in the last 24 hours:
Poor sleep quality and quantity
Eating too much
Eating unhealthy
Haven’t exercised
Haven’t exercised intensely
Haven’t been out in the sun
Haven’t talked to close family or friends
Haven’t had enough water
Have had too much caffeine
Haven’t prayed or meditated
Haven’t vomit-journaled*
Haven’t had a cold shower
If late afternoon / early evening: have I taken a nap?
In essentially every case, if I go through the above, I can safely ignore the random issue I’m dealing with right now. Sleep on it, do the needful, and then consider it again tomorrow. You’re fine!
Here’s a glimpse at the journal:
I’ve been journaling since I was in high school. It’s incredibly rewarding to see the arc of my character over decades. My favorite bit is flipping to a random old entry to 5, 7, 10 years ago. I always come across something that was extremely important to me then, but matters amusingly little now.
As of today, I have 4 differently themed journals: a general one for everyday writing, my personal constitution, old memories for documenting early childhood times before they get increasingly fuzzy, and a dream journal (which I’ll talk about another day).
*Vomit-journaling is the act of just dumping all your unfiltered thoughts in a journal. No editing. Just keep writing until you run out of things to say. It’s very therapeutic, especially as part of your morning routine.
Hey Awais - Thank you for sharing your thought process and somewhat the contents of your personal constitution. There are two things which I am really curious about:
1) How have you been able to maintain the logistics of journaling all these years. For context - the unfiltered thoughts come at random times and locations and one cant also note them down in a notebook, alternative Ive have my thoughts documented in so many different places and apps that its difficult to maintain a structured catalog. Since you have been doing this since high school, I would love to hear about how you have documented and on which medium have you stored the entries.
2) Most people including myself are seemingly trying our best to fulfil our dreams. But do we really know what used to be our dream and is a reality now or what used to be a dream will always remain a dream. This is something Ive been seeking an answer to for quite sometime. So id like to know if your dream journal is for actionable ideas which you implement from time to time or just a space for the imagination to run wild and free or something else perhaps?
Also I reached out to you on your WA to coordinate for the call after your published your life framework but I guess your number has changed. Let me drop you an email, we should have a call if your schedule allows.